Using Automated SEO to control all metadata at once (using template variables)

With SEO Manager you are able to control all SEO metadata at once. This is important if you have a multitude of products to optimize and need to do so in bulk. The metadata settings are made up of variables that are replaced by specific values from the page when the page is displayed. Through these settings, you can control how every page of your site should be displayed.

Here's how:


In the SEO Manager app, click Automated SEO:


Select the type of page you want to work with by clicking on Edit:


Type the template variable you want to enforce site wide into the field as shown below. To make sure that the Title Template and the Description Template are both enforced across the page type you're editing, click Enable for both options, then Save it:

A complete list of variables is available below:

Variable Value Object
##title## Title of the object All
##seotitle## Title of the object as set in SEO settings All
##shopname## The name of the All
##price## Price of the object Product
##price_min## Minimum price of the product Product
##price_max## Maximum price of the product Product
##type## Type of the product Product
##vendor## Vendor of the product Product
##author## Author of the blog post Blog Post